Skill Integrated
Platform for
Learning Management ,Trainings, Workshops, Projects
For Educators, Talents, Academia, Early Startups, Businesses and Organisations

"It's not just about delivering courses but
fostering and validating 21st Century Skills
in Global Innovation Ecosystems."

Early Startups
Engage with and tap into multidisciplinary, young and aspiring talents within our ecosystem to fulfill your various developmental needs

Scout next best talents, foster skilled teams development and engage with wider community with your products and services

Talent or Expert?
If you are a TALENT or an EXPERT looking for opportunities to build a professional portfolio or to gain practical skills; register in our Cogknit Hub
Dive Deeper

Integrate skills, competences, occupational, organizational or customized frameworks for courses, assessments, skilling, reskilling, upskilling, workshops, trainings and projects.
360 Skill Assessment
Conduct, visualize and track on-demand, holistic, qualitative and quantitative skills assessments among your stakeholders, based on your customized frameworks for developmental and skilling needs
Learning Management System
Leverage an intuitive, industry relevant, resourceful, personalized, skills based LMS catering to the needs of wider learners, educators, administrators, and organizations alike.
Workshops and Trainings
Engage with your learners, team members, clients and external stakeholders for skilling, communication and dissemination events with embedded skills, assessments, and project management tools
Project Development and Allocation
Create internal and external curriculum-based industry projects for finding fresh perspectives and innovative insights for various developmental needs. Tap into our ecosystem for talents pre-acquisition.
What our users say

Contact Us
Cogknit Oy
c/o Hanken Business Lab
Arkadiankatu 22
00100, Helsinki
email: contact(at)