Skills Assessment

Our platform features comprehensive skills assessment within our Learning Management System, Workshop/Training modules, and Projects. These assessments utilize the Dreyfus & Dreyfus Model for Skill Acquisition, ensuring a structured and effective evaluation process.

Stan Lester Developments 2005-2021. Dreyfus Model)

Multi Source Evaluation


Self Evaluation

Empowering learners to assess their own progress and identify areas for improvement.

Peer Evaluation

Facilitate constructive feedback and collaboration among peers.

Mentor/Educator Evaluation

Allow mentors and educators to provide detailed and personalized feedback.

Expert Evaluation

Leverage the insights of industry experts to elevate the quality of feedback and learning.


Qualitative Feedback

In-depth, narrative feedback that provides context and personalised insights. Supports reflective learning and continuous improvement.

Quantitative Feedback

Objective, data-driven metrics that track progress and performance.Easy-to-understand scores and statistics to measure learning outcomes.



Empowering team

Empower your team to achieve their full potential and drive your organization’s success.

Boosted Productivity

Equip your team with the skills and knowledge to perform more effectively.

Enhanced Engagement

Motivate and invest in learners building the interactive and engaging contents.

Scalable Solutions

Whether training a small team or an entire organization, our digital workshops and training platform can scale to meet your needs.

Profile Development

Empower learners to discover their potential with portfolios that document achievements, reflect growth, showcase skills, and enhance employability.
