Connect your students with industries in ease

Find the industrial projects for students in our platform supporting in the studies and building the profiles and career pathways within Learning Management System.


Tailored Projects

Match industrial project scopes with the relevant academic departments and student expertise for optimal outcomes.

Real-World Experience

Enable students to work on real-life industry projects, enhancing their practical skills and knowledge.

Industry-Academia Collaboration

Foster strong partnerships between academia and industry, ensuring educational programs align with market needs.

Learning Management System

Besides Course development, Cogknit fosters industry collaboration and incorporates comprehensive assessments, including self, peer, mentor, and expert evaluations, with both qualitative and quantitative feedback to enhance skills development and learning outcomes.

Integrated Solution to Learnings



Develop your courses withe learning materials including attachments, videos, simulation embed under one easy to use interface.


Engage your learners in the platform via Team and Individual Assignments, Quizzes and 360 Degree Skill Evaluation with Feedbacks.


Develop your internal workshops/trainings and evaluate the performance for your learners (Individual and Team Engagement). Measure the performances with internal projects to mitigate the gap between industries and learners.

Skills Integration

Measure skills gap analysis of your learner and bridge real-world skill requirements, ensuring targeted development aligning with current industry needs integrated all in the Learning Management System

In Demand Skills

Connect the metrices of industrial in demand skills data to customise your learning outcomes
Customize your learning outcomes by connecting industrial in-demand skills metrics through our SaaS platform, ensuring tailored education solutions aligned with current industry needs.

Analysis and Development

Develop the skills gap report and support in building courses based on metrices and industrial demands
Empowering academia to conduct targeted analysis to develop courses that align with current industry needs, ensuring education meets market demands effectively.


Connect with various educational frameworks as well as skills and competences reflecting directly to industry needs
Discover your learners progress and analysis on the implemented frameworks
